Snapshot of our 2017 Whole Child International Gala
Whole Child International is deeply grateful to all of those who have supported our work since our founding in 2005. None of what we have accomplished would have been possible without a significant number of dedicated and generous donors who share our vision and our commitment to bringing best practices in care to the widest possible number of orphans and vulnerable children.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
David Booth
The Daniel & Pamella DeVos Foundation
The Inter-American Development Bank & the Korean Poverty Reduction Fund
Karen Spencer
The Annenberg Foundation
Ronald W. Burkle Foundation
George Landegger
James H. Schloemer
Charles Spencer
Pamela Omidyar Trust
Jonathan Brandt
The Earth Stewardship Foundation
Teddy Forstmann
James Greenbaum, Jr. Family Foundation
The Material World Foundation
Alexander Foundation
Patricia Applegate
Fabretto Children’s Foundation, Nicaragua
Michael Grunwald
Angela & Bruce Henderson
Victor Hordis
Jena King
Deborah Klein
Roger Kline
Nick Lewin
Daniel & Charlotte Lubert
Stephen Malouf
The Youssef and Kamel Mawardi Fund
Peter Morton
Markos Moulitsas
Stephen J. Nixon
The Open Society Institute
The Overbrook Foundation
Ronald Santella
Ed Scott
TACA Airlines
The Tom N. Weldon Fund
Henri Zimand
Bell Family Foundation
Kimberly Dean Bieber / The Glamoury Charitable Trust
CRT Management
Fladgate UK
Timothy C. Ford
George Francisco
Victor Hordis
The Johnny Carson Foundation
Jack Leslie
Jennie & Erik Linthorst / The Chapman Family Foundation
The Literary Council of Tyler
Yana & Leon Max
Gary Michelson
Victor Miramontes
Markos Moulitsas & Elisa Batista
The Outreach Foundation
Parsons & Whittemore, Inc.
Brian Rupel
Natalia & Peter Safran
John Schuster
Sclavos Family Foundation
Gary Shepherd
Jeffrey Tamkin
Robin & Alfredo Trento
Mary Weldon
Carolyn Wellisz
Whole Child International is grateful to be a crowdfunded charity partner of the Funding Network.
In-Kind Donations
Whole Child International is grateful for the continued donation of stable, reliable, secure server space and other services by Cybermark International. Please visit Cybermark’s page for more information about their internet & digital marketing services for small businesses.
Past in-kind donations have included more than $20,000 worth of airfare from TACA Airlines, now part of Avianca. These donations can free critical funding for direct work with children and caregivers, so we encourage any potential donor to think creatively about materials and services that may advance our work.
Please visit our giving page to learn more about contributing to Whole Child International.
2017 WCI Gala - Performance by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
2017 WCI Gala
Founder & CEO Karen Spencer speaking at 2017 WCI Gala