Whole Child International is dedicated to developing and implementing evidence-based best practices in childcare and child welfare. We prioritize collaboration and learning from other organizations to ensure that resources are used as effectively and widely as possible to improve children’s lives and learning outcomes.

Our publications reflect our commitment to global leadership in this field, showcasing our practices, demonstrating their effectiveness, contributing to the body of literature, and providing a strong foundation for training practitioners. Please explore the resources listed below:

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Best Practices for Family-Based Foster Care in Latin America (English)

Buenas Practicas de Acogimiento Familiar en America Latina (Espanol)

This research presents a documentary analysis of foster care models across 13 Latin American countries: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. A total of 110 documents were reviewed, including regulatory frameworks, studies, guidelines, and academic and government articles.

Through this analysis, we identified best practices, strengths, and challenges while considering the unique context of each country. We examined regulations related to the rights of children and adolescents, with a particular focus on their right to live in a family environment. Additionally, we explored the approaches and modalities of foster care implemented in each nation. We also highlighted key challenges faced by foster care programs, such as limited human and financial resources, insufficient intersectoral collaboration, and difficulties in assessing program impact.

University Course Reader and Guide

The University Course Reader and Guide form the foundation for Whole Child’s university course for policy makers, practitioners and supervisors in child protection and early childhood care and development.  The university course is taught by national and international professors to ensure that information is current, practical and applicable.  

Caregiver Quality Assessment Tool (English & Spanish)

WCI Mini Guides (Spanish)

Caregiver Training Reference Guide

Caregiver Training Materials (Volumes Linked Below)

Like the University Course Reader and Guide, the caregiver materials are updated by national and international experts to ensure that they contain the most up to date information. They are meant to be flexible and applicable in a wide range of environments and audiences.